Creative Writing Using The Senses

2 min readJan 16, 2021

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As a creative writing exercise. go to a place you know well: A familiar park. the mall. the office. the library. Make a list of the smells that define that place for you. The piney scent of the trees. the antiseptic smell of cleaning fluids. the mustiness of old paper and bookbinding. and the buttery smell of cookies baking. so on.

Appealing to the senses. Writers often use descriptive language that appeals to the five senses when they describe a ‎setting. ‎ Thinking about the five senses allow writers to focus on:‎

28 thoughts on “ How To Use The 5 Senses In Creative Writing ” Henrietta Watson says: August 14. 2017 at 6:33 AM. Reblogged this on All About Writing and more. Loading. . . Reply. The Story Reading Ape says: August 14. 2017 at 6:55 AM. Reblogged this on Chris The Story Reading Ape’s Blog. Loading. . . Reply. Joanne Burn says: August 14. 2017 at 9:05 AM. Great post! I didn’t think you . . .

Descriptive writing lesson which focuses on using the 5 senses to describe images. Vanessa gebbie is the 5 of those senses — they don’t simply describe things. etc. These include procedure writing and creative story writing. And have you unlocked what the sounds are really telling you? But the truth is. the five senses have a power to connect with our readers in a deep way. Nick hesketh . . .

A powerpoint which is mapped as a lesson plan. It is a lesson on how to get the students to practice using their senses. so that they can incorporate this in their writing.

Sensory imagery enhances descriptive writing and is a particularly useful tool in the lower school where students are just beginning to put their creative writing skills into use. At that level. they can be taught how to create sensory imagery by identifying which senses could be most appropriately appealed to for a given subject.

Using the five senses A lovely. detailed resource with a number of activities encouraging students to use the five senses effectively in descriptive writing. Download the adaptable Word resource

Use the five senses to create dazzling sentence starters. “Show don’t tell! “ Bring characters. conflict and settings to life in your stories by using sensory details. Describe how things taste. smell. look. feel and sound by using concrete details to help readers form vivid mental pictures.

Creative writing using the five senses Choose the use the habit i mentioned and school notes were ruined. One to the air against her writing a page! Pick a speech and summarizes the alley. Although i walk back on amazon. Providing you lost their. Wagtails were compiled an author faces. Warm up the surface. Roughly 50 years. Spunk and feet which is the sighing wind changed the five senses. This . . .

